Nexsure® Release 3.7 (08-19-16)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Add user preference option for default invoice format (F8457)
- Add View and Modify security for first section of "My Profile" user information (F8469)
- When a new signature is added to "My Profile", default the signature to private (F8485)
- Update download codes for Crestbrook (F8483)
- Add download codes for IMT BOP policies (F8494)
- Update download codes for Mapfre/Commerce (F8499)
- Update download codes for Travelers Commercial Lines (F8504)
- Add download codes for Wright National Flood (F8508)
- Fremont download certification (F8467)
- Updated 196 Medical Professionals Application (F7997)
- Add liquor liability ACORD 803 12/2014 (F7317)
- New 152 Inland Marine/equipment floater (replacing the 146) (F8125)
Resolved Issues
- To eliminate performance issues, limit the max items per page to 100 for the following screens: Receipts/Disbursements, Agency Bill Invoices, Direct bill invoices , Unposted invoices (D26965)
- Time taken for actions only prefills if action status is set to open, should prefill for closed as well (D27056)
- Can't inactivate client from right click context tool on client search (D27075)
- Time zone changes to PST in policy header when a policy is renewed (D22057, D26644)
- Travelers MA commercial auto mapping issues (D27084)
- Allied commercial auto mapping issues (D27051)
- Allied commercial property downloads premises section issues (D27005)
- Policy description no longer carrying over on renewals (D27103)
- Receive intermittent populate error using the ACORD 1 for claims on Commercial Property applications (D27091)