Nexsure® Release 3.3 (04-22-16)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Update coverage codes for Olympus (F8329)
- Update coverage codes for ACE (F8361)
- Update ACORD 125 commercial insurance application to 03/2016 version (F8126)
- Update ACORD 140 commercial property application to the 03/2016 version (F8182)
- Add Lawyers Professional form ACORD 833 (F8325)
- Add other cause of loss deductible to SOI ACORD 147 builders risk form (F8299)
- Add Enterprise Code to Client Contact XDR report (F8313)
Resolved Issues
- Commission Downloads - application fix to handle leap years - currently gives an error if 02/29/2016 date was used (D26849)
- Estimated totals on policy info not displaying correctly on merged doc after a change to the premium on the policy info due to policy info not updating data base with new values (D26488)
- Having two of the same lob on one policy sometimes causes an error on the transaction tab for the client (D26796)
- Optimize agency bill retail agent recon transactions by changing business type filter (D26790)
Attachment Manager
- Can't add attachment only from Outlook if extract attachments is checked (D25821)
- Correct SIC codes with leading zero's (D26762)
- Make supplements link active on future status policies (D11144)
- Specific posted invoices are not available to select for delivery (D26160, D26680)
- Unable to resend from policy level (D24967)
- Cannot accept email because buttons are grayed out (D26827)
- Commercial auto coverage symbol 7 downloading as a symbol 2 (D26327)
- Map Transportation expense / Rental Reimbursement coverages for American Commerce (D26193)
- NGA/MSA mapping for Additional Interest incorrect (D26269)
- American Modern mapping fixes (D26506)
- State Auto GL, CAUTO and CUMB mapping fixes (D26824)
- Update Subject of Insurance Codes for State Auto (D26824)
- Updated Acadia landing page (D26774)
- Founders Insurance eServices stopping early (D26854)
- American Modern eServices stopping early (D26870)