Nexsure® Release 3.2 (Available 03-26-16 to clients on Version 3.1)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Add instructions to "add client photo popup" to recommend the size and file type (F8172)
- Recertification of personal lines Hanover/Allmerica/Citizens Downloads (F7933)
- Recertification of commercial lines Hanover/Allmerica/Citizens Downloads (F7957)
- Add carrier specific codes for Frontline (F8269)
- Updated carrier specific codes for Liberty Mutual (F8278)
- Issuing carrier exceptions – relax matching criteria so that if issuing carrier is in the same carrier family, the download will not create an exception but will change the issuing carrier to match that which is in the download. (F8322)
- Add carrier specific codes for Indiana Farmers (F8323)
Resolved Issues
- Reconciliations post to locked period (D26622)
- Improve performance of retail agent actions page (D26738)
- Acadia Insurance has changed their landing page (D26774)
- Founders eServices not working (D26776)
- Fix data flow issues on the ACORD 127 MO = drivers not populating (D26638)
- Verification card PDF size error resolved (D26775)