Nexsure® Release 2.9.6 (09-18-15)
Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development
- Add Acord 133 overflow form (F8036)
- Add Client Name string search & related account YES/NO drop down to Expirations XDR (F8113)
Resolved Issues
- Journal Entry reversal transactions are missing the Line Item Distributions (D26403)
- Batch Invoice Detail screen: Server Error occurs when clicking on View icon (D26330)
- Recon returns error message when bank account is inactive (D26164)
- Alabama is missing from Tax Authority States tab (D25503)
- Verifications not saving changes when selecting multiple state options (D24543)
- Actions - Make print preview window larger on right click (D24866)
- Invoice type at client delivery is defaulting to first one on list regardless of what is selected (D26434)
- Republic Group eServices are stopping at the login page (D26459)
- MetLife eServices are stopping at the login page (D26458)
- Kemper Preferred (Auto & Home) eServices are stopping early (D26457)
- Bristol West eService are stopping early (D26462)
- American Modern eService stopping at login page (D26464)
- Applicant section of ACORD 807 does not allow 90 characters - returns error (D26274)
Office Integration
- Cannot open attachments when user attaches Outlook message with over 200 characters in the name (D26438)
- Selecting a claim in policy selection screen throws a server error during merging process (D26435)
- Error printing batch invoices as well as batches being limited to 199 invoices (D26475)
- Unable to print application without view coverage template view rights (D26420)
- Need Retail Agent delete rights in order to add a Retail Agent (D24556)