Nexsure® Release 2.9.2 (05-22-15)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
A message now displays for reconciliation transactions when you select a date booked that occurs beyond the existing accounting periods for the organization. (F8003)
Updated National Flood ACORD 301 2015/04. (F7941)
Resolved Issues
- Resolved the issue with error messages that display when a policy or invoice includes retail agent commission on fees. (D26198, D20342)
- Fixed the error received when creating a summary bill. (D25974)
Updated how policies import to permit Agency Bill, Direct Bill, AB, and DB as valid entries for the Billing Method field. Nexsure applies the billing method selected in User Preferences when the Billing Method field in the spreadsheet contains an invalid entry or no entry. (D26151)
Delivering a summary of insurance with a particular workflow no longer retains the name of a previous client. (D26196)
Fixed Hagerty eServices. (D26230)
- Updated the Certificate Holder view so the name of the last-entered certificate holder does not display for a certificate without a policy. (D26223)
- The name of the location now displays in the summary on the ACORD 131. (D26233)
- Adding and saving a third linked action no longer removes a second linked action. (D26141)
- Updated Lookup Management so you can delete an unused classification code. (D25064)
- You can now open restricted policies without corrupting the record. (D26234)
- Updated certificates to use the correct date on the form. (D26260)
- The Paid field on check stubs for credit reconciliations now displays the correct amount. (D24825)
- Carrier names with apostrophes no longer cause problems for Carrier Payable reports. (D25958)
- Updated Nexsure so that the Cash Disbursement Register XDR report does not display duplicate transactions. (D26192)
- The Aged Client Accounts Receivable Detail XDR report no longer displays the billed amount in triplicate. (D26206)