You are here: Client menu > TRANSACTIONS > Rebilling an Invoice

Rebilling an Invoice

A process to reverse and rebill an invoice is available in the event a client needs to be rebilled. This rebill process will not be available if the invoice has already been rebilled or the invoice is a reversal. The rebill’s policy header will be prefilled from the source policy’s header. The premium, tax, fee, commission and other commission will come from the original invoice.

To Rebill an Invoice

  1. Navigate to the invoice using one of the following paths:
  1. On the invoice tab, on the Navigation Toolbar, click Reverse and Rebill. This link will only be available on invoices with a status of Posted or Posted-Rebill. A confirmation is displayed.

  1. Select the Edit Internal Note option to edit the Internal Note attached to the invoice.
  2. Click OK. The Edit Invoice Header dialog box appears if Edit Internal Note was selected.
  3. Update the Internal Note as necessary and click OK. The invoice is displayed.

  1. Notice the Invoice Status is now Unposted Rebill. The following sections will prefill from the original invoice to the new rebill invoice:

  1. On the Navigation Toolbar, click Post Now. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

  1. To post the invoice, select Yes to indicate the invoice is ready for posting.
  2. Select Yes or No to indicate if this invoice will be sent to the customer again. If Yes is selected, the invoice will remain open with an active Delivery option on the Navigation Toolbar.
  3. Click OK. The invoice is again displayed with the status of Posted Rebilled. The Deliver link is available to send the invoice to the customer again.

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